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Act 1 Scene 1 Exeunt

Act 1 Scene 1

This year, I was able to dabble in open-source for the first time. It was a dream-come-true: a dream I long thought impossible to attain for my lack of understanding in programming language. How far have I changed since: not only is some of my code part of a program used by others, I am also hosting and developing a program as a part of the open-source community. Small, but a community.
This all started thanks to DPS909 class.

Act 1 Scene 2

The Act is still on. I am just getting warmed up. What will scene 2 have for me in store? Only time will tell. For now, I am going to enjoy cultivating a community while also belonging to many others, finding my way through, contributing as I am able. Perhaps that will be my scene 2. It will be beautifully ugly, and I will love every moment of it.

To my audience, even if imaginary

If you are reading this and thinking there is nothing you can do to make a meaningful contribution to a program that you love, I am glad to say you are dead wrong. Take a look at it. There's probably something lacking, or something wanting. Ask somebody. Ask me. Ask anyone. We all need a helping hand.


This concludes my submission to DPS909. I will continue the path I was set on, nonetheless. Perhaps I will be joined by my colleagues who would take the same course and explore the same community I dabbled in. I would like that. I would look forward to that.
