My Issues with Github and Pulling my hair for it It all started when the venerable node.js implemented promise-based fs module. Shortly after, someone made Filer compatible with the promise-based operation. This is good. except now we need testers to ensure it works as expected. As an exercise in learning how to create issue and pull request on github, we were tasked to jump in and contribute. I chose to create a suit of tests for First strand of hair: the Beginning As this was my first time working in a serious project, I wasn't sure how things are organized in this repository, and I wasn't sure how to check if certain tests were implemented or not. I started my adventure in the node.js fs module that shows test coverage , and while it was an eye-opening information, it was unfortunately less relevant to the tasks at hand. So I went back and started opening up the test files in /tests/spec/ instead. I found many tests for the traditional call-back...